Coloured Voices

ServicesOur Current Programs

Coloured Voice was started by a group of 4 LGBT youths in 2021 during the second COVID 19 lock down..


We are developing a safe, secure and LGBT specific telehealth / eHealth service-based app...


Through this campaign we are aiming to skill more than 30 LGBTQI+ Ugandans and also create jobs for more than 60 of them.


How have you been negatively affected by media in regards to the current homophobic trend? And other Questions & responces.


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Donation Programs

Donate to any of our Programs Below

Queer Digital Resilience Project

  • Stakeholder engagements/ engaging partner LGBTQ friendly health service providers
  • Requirements gathering
  • Modular Development
  • Beta texting to Fix bugs
  • Alpha testing with Developers
  • Clinical testing of the app

The Tailoring Project

$3,000First Phase
  • Phase one will cost a less than $3000
  • Phase one is to benefit more than 30 LGBTQI+ Ugandans
  • The project skills and empowers LGBTQI+ Ugandans instead of spoon feeding them
  • Project is going to decrease unemployment among the LGBTQI+ Ugandans

Media Strategy feedback

  • Business Grow Analysis
  • Finance Consuting
  • Yearly Growth Auditing
  • Yearly Growth Auditing
  • Project Management
  • Yearly Growth Auditing
You Can be one

We Proud to Work With The Several Partners

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