Coloured Voices


A safe and secure world where humanity and diversity for prosperity takes center.


To enhance inclusion, dignity and socioeconomic well-being of the most at risk LGBTQI+ youths through media advocacy, creative and performing arts.


That LGBT youths in Uganda are equitably Heard, Valued and Protected.

About Us

Coloured Voice Media Foundation-Truth to LGBTQ Uganda

A youth’s led organization that advocates for and promotes the human rights, health and socioeconomic well-being of LGBTQ youths through the use of media to demystify lies and change mindsets in Uganda and Africa at large.

  • We inspire the growth of a strong unified movement of LGBT youths.
  • We inspire economic self-sustenance among LGBT youths.
  • We inspire a sense of humanity, compassion, leadership and belongingness.
Our leadership

Organisation set, Leadership & Governance

Coloured Voice has institutional structures in place for purposes of strategic direction. The Organogram of the organization indicates that the members/ Annual General Assembly (AGM) is the highest decision-making organ of the organization followed by the board of directors.


At programs level, the organization is headed by the executive director, who supervises the program and the finance managers. The programs manager supervises the creative and Advocacy officers while the finance manager supervises the media and public relations officer

Our Testimonials

What Our Members Say About Coloured Voices


I am deeply concerned about the consequences of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023. This law violates basic human rights and sets a dangerous precedent for discrimination and persecution against the LGBTQ+ community. Let us stand together in solidarity and fight against bigotry and hate.

Steven Kabuye
Kampala, Kawaala

The Recent parliamentary debates on homosexuality and the newly signed anti-homosexuality law, one of the world’s toughest anti-LGBTQ laws have reinforced an already deeply rooted intolerance.


The Recent parliamentary debates on homosexuality and the newly signed anti-homosexuality law, one of the world’s toughest anti-LGBTQ laws have reinforced an already deeply rooted intolerance.

Mike K
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Latest News Articles & Our Insights

Tailoring Our Way To Freedom Project

We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully raised $2000 through...

Museveni signs cotroversial Anti Homosexuality Act 2023

Activists condemn Uganda's controversial kill the gays bill

Our Featured News Articles Our ED Steven Kabuye talked about our ongoing projects: The QHealth...

LGBTQIA+ community slams anti homosexuality laws

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